the Chronicles of Tun Teja:p
WHAT EVER LA~~...=="

Thursday 22 September 2011 @ 21:04 | 2 Comment [s]

ermm....dont really know what to talk about today..
.just feels lyk writing something..
so far my life in IPG is ..Quite owkeyy la..
start to get used to de environments around..
here we're not burden by tutorials..
but assignment sgt menyesak and membotakkan kepala..
..bila ada kerja..sangat2 busy..bila teda kija...sgt2 lapang...
assignment berbondong-bondong..= ="
 fail2 yg prlu d submit 4 MQA lg...sandik jooo T.T..

erm...subjek plg sa suka is Language development(LDV)..
lectured by Mr Alvin..
oh ya..cer sal Mr Alvin,
dia sgt nice...kami suma mmg blend in la dgn cara dy mngajar,,,
very fresh..
attractive and fun..
he's very2 alaf baru!..hehe..
since dy pnsyrh plg muda..mgkn tu yg bt kmi suma sng in..he knows us well.
kdg kesian dy..kami cm adik kecil yg xtw arah tuju...

since da begining..
macam2 benda jadi..
until dy mcm suda rsa bertanggungjawab ke atas kami..
mgkin dy x sggup tgok kami lugai2 kali yahh..haha..

at first..
in mr alvin class..we do usual
one day,,
the emotion and atmosphere change..
sir tetiba share sal hdp dy...
he shared to us what inspiring him to be who he is now..
then, we were asked to make an essay on 


we all shared our story heart to heart..
then at last we start to realize rupanya...
stiap org ada cerita msg2..
more than half in our class has their own dreams before..
and its not TEACHER..
we are all in da same situation..
we start to cry.. revealing how we really feel inside.
..all the hidden tears falls to the ground..
some pretend to be  strong..
some strong enough to endure the pain..
wishing by the time flow..the sadness will fade away

i thought im strong enough..but im not..i cried a lot..i cant even talk..
looking at Mr Alvin's face that time...
its obvious how he then realize that behind all the smiles..there are tears inside..
he gave us his calm motivational words..he inspiring us...
kesian kamiiii....huhu

well,,tadi class Mr Alvin...
ada yg nanges lagi...hhu..,,kesian nih sir...
dy pon bingung2...
rekod suda ramai poan nangis d klas dy..
even suma bkn d sebabkn oleh dy,,,
tp kesian..mst dy pressure tuh.haha..
papapun...i can sense..mst pjalann dy ngn kami x mudah tu nanti..haha

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Big hello peeps! i'm Aunniey Noel, a 20 years young and live as Malay, Muslim and Malaysian..thx for dropping by..and..WELCOME TO MY BLOG!


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Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : tun teja