the Chronicles of Tun Teja:p
TRACK 17..:p

Wednesday, 11 July 2012 @ 08:05 | 2 Comment [s]

ada jgk rupanya insan2 sudi menjengah blog niih slma sa tidak update nih...:)
nothing interesting here..
a bored life of a boring person..yg hidup ngan routine bosan yg circulate da same way everyday..
expect nothing.
teda mood mo wat papa..
ntah knapa aku rasa mo share sumthing here...
trivia tentang aku...
(even aku tau teda sepa pun kesah,,apa lagi berminat ngan anything ttg life aku..
ak mo cer jgak)
aku ni pelik skit..ak cepat emo...n aku sgt rajiin lyan 'emo' aku..
bila aku sediy..aku akan berabis2 sediyh..
lepaskan habis2 that moment jgk...
aku akan dengar lagu2 yang sedeyh2..wat ati aku maakin sediyh..

(amazing-Fullhouse OST)

kat dlm phone aku la yg akan direpeat 24/7 smpai aku rasa mo muntah..
tapi sebenarnya track 17 ni la yang akan wat aku makin meruntun2..hehe..
pelik kan..??
tapi pas aku habis meng'emo'kan diri..aku happy la cam besa..
bila aku tlampaw frust ataw marah plak aku akan cepaat sgt ngantuk..
aku boleh tetidur on the spot tem2 tengah marah tu..haha
tapi usually tem kaciwa2 la..haha
automatik body aku SYSTEM DOWN
ini kisah benar k..
penah skali aku frust pasal someone..
aku tetidur kat tempat tu jgak (which is bilik member)
aku switch off phone & trus otak aku shut jugak..
kesian roomate aku dtg bawak selimut..everytime aku rsa mo tejaga,,aku pejam mata kuat2...
ntah kenapa rsa ndamau bangun hadapi donia tem tu(cewahh)
but i know it wont take that long for me to balance back my emotion..(as usual..)
the next day i woke up, everything back to how it was(i guess..:p)

honestly,,after quite some time..
track 17 
played again..
and again..
and again..
just now.

for those yg dengar rumors yang ndada2 regarding the 'crushing' thing tu,
its not that okay!!
go nothing to do with me bha dat..:p

its about 
sa confuse..
confuse ngan hati sa...
sa tia taw kenapa sa makin nda paham ngan hati sa..
why sa feel dat way bila sa nmpak sumone yang agak tiada papa bg sa..
which is..just a normal friend..
its not a feeling of crushing or pun ndatw knapa..
mungkin sebab now that i'm invisible 'again' for him..
i got the feeling like he turned back way too much from me...
you shuld just treat me the same way you treat others...
offended jgak sa rasa..
sa taw la sa sepa..but dont look at me like dat ba..

but, thats not the real problem ba actually
the problem is..
why do i care so much bout that?
why do i care so much bout how i look in his eyes these times?
why do i care so much on what he think of?
why do i care so much when he doesn't treat me the same way he did to my friends?
why do i care so much if he heard bout anything regarding me?
what makes him....?

"like i care~~.."
padahal deep inside i feel like something missing...
huh..malas la mo must go on..
i am always nobody to everybody..
not a star in anyone's heart
i should have get use to it by now...

jgn layann sangat

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Big hello peeps! i'm Aunniey Noel, a 20 years young and live as Malay, Muslim and Malaysian..thx for dropping by..and..WELCOME TO MY BLOG!


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The Credits!

Template by : Farisyaa Awayy
Basecode by : Nurynn
Full Edited : tun teja